Logo Odessa Antiquités et Monnaies

Buying & selling artworks in Montreal

Artworks and collectable items

If you are interested in buying or selling old Canadian or European paintings, icons, bronze and ivory statuettes, istorical documents, rare and collectible objects etc., you can only benefit from coming to us. Odessa Antiques and Coins is the place to buy or sell at fair prices.

Artworks and collectable items brought to us are appraised to identify their true market value. There is no need to spend more than you have to or settle for less than you deserve when you deal with us.

We buy and we sell


Canadian paintings

Canadian paintings


European paintings

European paintings





Asian Art

Asian Art


Rare objects

Rare objects

We are always interested in paintings from recognized artists and valuable antique artworks such as pre-1917 era Russian icons and religious art.

Our advantageous pricing and wide array of artworks and collectables makes it easy to buy or sell within your expectations. Please get in touch if you are looking for a special piece to add to your collection. We have rare pieces that you won’t find anywhere else in Montreal.